This endurance-based conditioning program is open to all Stevens High School students along with any 7th & 8th graders from the SHS feeders schools.
Due to this program being conducted outside, sometimes the times/dates & locations change. Please join the REMIND to receive text messages related to the Aerobic Monsters conditioning program. This is also the same REMIND group used for Cross Country, so if you're already receiving those messages, no need to join again.
I'll send out weekly schedules and training via REMIND, so both students and parents will need to join the group to know what's happening.
To join the REMIND group, text: @stevensxc to the number 81010
What does the program look like? Here's a sample week:
Monday- Endurance + Max Speed, Plyo & Strength
Tuesday- Lactate Threshold Development + Core & Mobility
Wednesday- Endurance Running (Medium) + Recovery Routine
Thursday- Endurance + Hill Sprints, Plyo & Strength
Friday- Tempo & Race Speeds + Core & Mobility
Saturday- Endurance Running (Long) + Recovery Routine
Sunday- Off
What are the keys to making the most out of this program?
Make sure you're healthy enough to train hard.
Pay special attention to sleep, hydration and nutrition + iron
Show up everyday
Every day includes an essential aspect of training designed to make you a better athlete
The work you do right now is the directly connected to the work you'll do later
It's the best way to be connected to a group
Be a good teammate or group member
Have a positive attitude
Do your best in all of the work
Make your group better
Encourage everyone around you
Show gratitude
Have fun
Believe in YOURSELF
Believe in THE WORK
In our program, we'd had students
earn over 200 State Meet medals
set national records
win national championships
win world championships
Believe in your TEAMMATES
You will improve infinitely more working alongside teammates
Believe in your COACHES
Trust that we're doing what's best for you at this point in your career
If you have any questions, please contact Coach Coy @ or via REMIND (information included above)